

The truth about second-hand asbestos exposure is now public knowledge. This news has spread like wildfire. Contrary to what many may believe, exposure to this hazardous material is not limited to the workplace. Many cases have proven that second-hand exposure is possible in the family members of workers. How can this be possible?

Asbestos workers unknowingly put their families at risk every time they returned home from work. Their clothing may carry the “dust” of this carcinogen, and their employers did not provide protective gear. This dust then served as the vehicle for second-hand exposure to asbestos. This is also seen as the reason why countless family members have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and other related diseases, despite the fact that they never stepped worked around asbestos directly. The simple act of children hugging their Dads when they came home from work, and women handling and washing their husband’s clothes, made them susceptible to mesothelioma decades after the initial exposure.

Due to the connection between second-hand asbestos exposure and mesothelioma, Baron and Budd, one of the leading mesothelioma law firms, maintains that anyone exposed to asbestos that developed an asbestos disease, no matter how long ago, may have a right to file a mesothelioma law suit and be compensated for their suffering. Baron and Budd’s dedication to protecting the lives of those made ill from second-hand exposure has produced definitive results. For instance, this law firm fought the asbestos manufacturers on behalf on an Illinois woman who contracted mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure from her father’s and husband’s work clothes. This mesothelioma lawsuit is one of the stories demonstrating how one can actually gain compensation and assistance by pursuing claims against negligent manufacturers. Thus, it’s no surprise that many mesothelioma news sources commend Baron and Budd for offering a way to be compensated for the emotional, physical and mental stresses caused by second-hand exposure to this carcinogen.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from the ill effects of asbestos exposure, contact Baron & Budd P.C. to fight these manufacturers and receive just compensation for your suffering. Get political and make your voice heard by writing your congressman. Donate to research and advocacy. Get connected by joining Baron and Budd’s Facebook group, “Fight Mesothelioma.” And get educated—Read about the most up-to-date mesothelioma news at mesotheliomanews.com.

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