

One of the most common questions asked by patients recently diagnosed with mesothelioma and other related diseases, is: “Should I file a mesothelioma lawsuit?” Though the question is very simple, the answer can depend upon a number of factors.

There are several considerations to take into account when filing a lawsuit. Aside from the expenses of filing, there is also the risk of paying other fees incurred during the litigation process. However, if you are filing your lawsuit through a law firm that handles lawsuits on a contingency fee basis, this alleviates the worry about being able to afford paying for litigation. A contingency fee means that you will not need to pay any money up front and that all the costs to file and manage your case are absorbed by your mesothelioma law firm. When your case has been settled and compensation is awarded your attorney will be paid and only then will they receive a percentage of the amount awarded to you. However, mesothelioma victims are often still apprehensive and cannot determine, “Should I file a mesothelioma lawsuit?”

According to the latest mesothelioma news, there is still hope in finding the right law firm and utilizing experienced legal guidance. The most recent mesothelioma news: President Obama signed into law the High Mortality Cancer bill in 2013, recommitting to the fight against cancer and increasing survival rates. In particular, the bill gives priority to those who suffer from cancers with high mortality rates. This law is of particular interest to mesothelioma sufferers, as can help fund mesothelioma research.

This newly passed bill will benefit patients in their mesothelioma lawsuits, because the promise of new research will strengthen proof that there is an undeniable connection between asbestos exposure and cancer. In fact, the bill could provide patients an advantage over asbestos companies in their mesothelioma lawsuits. The Lung Cancer Alliance and other organizations are thrilled about this news, since it can increase the chances patients may achieve favorable verdicts and may have the funds to afford new drugs and research to survive their cancers.

The High Mortality Cancer Bill could provide a strong foundation help mesothelioma patients and ultimately find a cure for mesothelioma.

Learn more about the High Mortality Cancer bill by visiting mesotheliomanews.com.

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